I wouldn't say that I have a green thumb yet, but these are the plants that I started with and have cared
for a little over two months now. They have battled against fire ants, the weather, a lawn mover, and lots of
repotting, but they're still alive so I guess I'm doing a pretty good job. :)
I have 3 different type of plants:
- 2 - Habanero Pepper plants
- 1 - Manzana de Oro tree
- 2 - Mystery Trees (only recently did I find out it was a Moringa tree)
I've been gardening since my mom gave three plants, from her very own garden, after telling her
I was interested in having a garden at my own house. Since early July, I've been taking my mom's advice,
while also observing the plants and monitoring their needs on a daily basis. After about 90 days,
I was able to pick some habaneros of my plant. They weren't fully ripe yet but I had to save them
from a fire ant invasion and repot ASAP. I'm not sure when to expect fruit from my tree, but hopefully
before my lease ends. The mystery tree grows fast so hopefully it will tower over me within the next few months.
I find gardening to be very theraputic and it allows me to unwind after a stressful day. I love the hands-on
aspect, as it allows me to focus on one task and analyze one thing at a time, instead of being all over
the place like I am usually. I hope to expand my garden and grow more fruits and vegetables of my own so that
I can live more sustainably, save some money, or even make some by selling what I don't need. I should probably
expand my knowledge on plants and gardening terms as well.